Equitable Digital Access

Equitable Digital Access




Some problems in implementing technology in the classroom (Mareco 2017):

1.     Schools are not sure about the use of mobile technologies.  They feel that they may be more of a burden than a strategic learning tool.

2.     Wifi Networks are unable to handle the deployment of mobile devices within the schools


Some reasons why it’s important to have the technology within the classroom (Mareco 2017):

1.     Good way to connect with different learning styles of students.

2.     Opportunity to develop their digital citizenship skills.

3.     May help students stay engaged.

4.     Students can access the most up to date information when the technology is used correctly.

5.     Technology helps students be more responsible.

Some ways to ensure that there is equitable digital access:

1.     Make sure all students have an equal opportunity within the classroom to have access to the different technologies.

2.     Make sure the devices are up to date with the latest technologies.

3.     Make sure there are no socio-economic limitations within the classroom.

4.     Have the students bring in their own device.  One issue is the connectivity of the device, but they are familiar and able to use.  They may be able to share their knowledge of the device with other students.

5.     Utilizing computer labs.

6.     Be open to the use of technology within the classroom.

7.     Allow the students to take ownership within the use of technology within the classroom.




Tupper, T. (7 August 2015) Equitable Access to to rigorous, Standard-based Instruction. Retrieved from : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkuF2R9npqM


Beaudwin, N. ( 1 December 2017). An Introduction for Digital Technology. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYL0Gms3rlI


TEDx Talks (26 May 2016). My Wish: Digital Access For All Students Everywhere | Curran Dee| TEDxYouth@BHS [Video File]. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJjR8GWXXKA



Harvey, B. (2014). Bridging the Digital Divide Within the Classroom. Education Week Teacher, Retrieved from: https://www.edweek.org/tm/articles/2014/07/02/ctq-harvey-digital.html

Mareco, D. (2007). 10 Reasons Today’s Students Need Technology in the Classroom. Secure Edge Networks. Retrieved from: https://www.securedgenetworks.com/blog/10-Reasons-Today-s-Students-NEED-Technology-in-the-Classroom
